How does your business ensure that everyone in your organisation knows what is expected of them in relation to health and safety?
The answer is a comprehensive, robust Health and Safety Management system.
A robust management system should have the following:
• Health and Safety Policies
• Outlined roles and responsibilities for each role within the organisation
• Procedures on how to achieve various health and safety functions
• Risk Assessments that highlight all significant risks within the business
• Follow the Plan, Do, Check, Act model
Implementing a Health and Safety Management system not only protects your employees, but it can also help improve productivity by building a culture of safety.
By being proactive and managing health and safety, you will be demonstrating a commitment to your workforce by taking its duty of care seriously, this can lead to increased employee satisfaction and retention.
Investing in a robust health and safety management system is a strategic approach which will benefit the business in the form of a healthier, more engaged workforce and a stronger reputation in your industry.
Let’s have a chat about how we can support you in making sure you have everything in place that you need.
01270 619 584
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