We just wanted to share a great LinkdIn post written by Sophie, one of our Consultants; a great reminder of safety tips for those who are taking children Trick &... read more →
A gentle reminder that a 2am tomorrow morning, Sunday 29th October, the clocks will go back an hour, giving us an extra hour in bed; the sun will begin to... read more →
October is Tyre Safety Month! All vehicles used for work, including hired vehicles, company vehicles, and employee owned vehicles, must be fit for purpose and maintained in a good condition.... read more →
Hazards such as chemicals, flying fragments, large chips, hot sparks and dusts can all cause serious damage and in extreme circumstances, blindness. Eye protection is crucial at work for several... read more →
Fire Safety in the workplace is vitally important in keeping your employees safe and also for building protection too. FACT: Arson and faulty equipment make up a huge percentage of... read more →
Today, October 18th, is World Menopause Day (WMD). Concerningly, Menopause: UK & Worldwide Statistics & Trends For 2022/23 finds that: 50% of women in Great Britain aged 45-65 years go... read more →
Running at our training room in Nantwich, here's a list of the open courses we have scheduled to run up until the end of the year. If you have a... read more →
When does your First Aid at Work certificate expire? Our Awarding Body, Highfields Qualifications, allow a period of 1 months grace after the expiry date on a previous certificate. During... read more →
What are your plans this weekend? Might you be heading out for something to eat, or maybe ordering from your local takeaway restaurant? Between the 2nd to 8th October 2023,... read more →
We can hardly believe that it's October already, can you?