We help health and safety managers gain a fresh perspective by acting as their critical friend, carrying out regular audits.
74% of adults within the UK have felt so stressed over the last year or so that they felt overwhelmed and unable to cope.51% of adults who felt stressed reported... read more →
We train employees to support their colleagues mental wellbeing by delivering First Aid for Mental Health training.
We have an open IOSH MANAGING SAFELY course running at our training room in NANTWICH over 3 days: Friday 24th May, Wednesday 29th May & Monday 3rd June, £450+VATpp. Our... read more →
The Stress Management Society has been holding Stress Awareness month every April since 1992. Wanting to emphasise how even the smallest steps taken each day towards self-care and stress reduction... read more →
Being held at our training room in Nantwich, we have a few places available on our next open LEVEL 2 FIRST AID FOR MENTAL HEALTH course- THURSDAY 18th APRIL, 9am-4.30pm,... read more →
Has your Fire Risk Assessment highlighted that you need more staff trained as Fire Wardens? Are any of your Fire Warden's certificates due to expire? Does your company not have... read more →
We support business owners in keeping their employees safe by providing a range of health and safety training.Teaching them skills that are needed to complete their work safely, as well... read more →
We help business owners build a positive health and safety culture by educating them and their employees.
Here's hoping for lots of Spring sunshine with not too many showers!