Based in Nantwich, reaching across the North West and beyond, Ensure is a family owned and led business, with clear values underpinning everything that we do. Serving clients of all... read more →
Wishing you all a wonderful Platinum Jubilee weekend; enjoy! #yourtrustedsafetyteam #healthandsafety #consultancy #safetytraining #platinumjubilee #celebrations #nantwich #cheshire #staffordshire #shropshire
1,402 kilometres, 116 hours and 12,000 metres of climbing. Beginning on the 3rd of July, Adi, our MD, will be setting out on an incredible cycle ride, from Lands’ End... read more →
We particularly enjoy Fridays at Ensure! We try to all be office based on a Friday. It gives us the opportunity to catch up with each other, to celebrate what's... read more →
We've had another busy week at Ensure... We have: delivered Basic Life Support and Anaphylaxis Awareness sessions to 4 Doctor's surgeries around CheshireTrained up a group of Mid Day Assistants... read more →
The Mental Health Foundation started Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago and it is now one of the biggest awareness weeks, both within the UK and globally. This year’s... read more →
Poor manual handling can increase the risk of injury; poor manual handling currently causes over a third of all workplace injuries. Manual handling can include lifting, carrying, lowering, pushing, and... read more →
In 2021, 93% of all fires were put out using portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers can be used to put out fires before they develop to a size that... read more →
And just like that… it's May already! With happy memories of May Day celebrations, enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend folks. #yourtrustedsafetyteam #mayday