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Fire Warden/ Fire Extinguisher Training (1/2 day course)

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Fire Warden/ Fire Extinguisher Training (1/2 day course)

Friday, 4th April @ 9:00 am 12:00 pm

Duration: ½ day

Candidates will receive a Fire Warden handbook and certification via Ensure Safety & Training Ltd, valid for 3 years

Suitable for nominated fire wardens, marshals and emergency controllers.

The sole piece of legislation for fire safety issues, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force in October 2006. Under the Reform Order, the “responsible person” for the premises must carry out a Fire Risk Assessment and nominate a sufficient number of competent persons (Fire Wardens/ Marshalls) to assist in the implementation of the emergency procedures identified in the fire risk assessment.

Therefore, businesses and schools should appoint an Emergency Controller; someone who has attended a Fire Warden/ Marshal course and who has responsibility for all aspects of fire safety.

For example, there should be a Fire Wardens/ Marshalls who is responsible for specific areas of the premises e.g. the kitchen area, staff area, office, assembly point. Additionally, all school staff should receive Fire Safety awareness training to enable them to assist with the safe evacuation of pupils in an emergency, e.g. one member of staff per classroom.

Topics covered: fire triangle, role of a fire warden, hazards of the workplace, raising the alarm, evacuation, designated persons, collating information, fire extinguisher classification and extinguisher practical session.

Certification valid for 3 years.

  • Alternatively, Ensure Safety & Training can come along to your setting to provide training for your staff. Or we can provide training for a number of your staff at our training room on a date that’s convenient for you. Please see On Site Courses


Friday, 4th April
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Course Categories:
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Ensure Safety and Training
0794 999 2342
Regent House, Beam Heath Way
Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 6PQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01270 619 584
Highfield Qualifications Nuco Training Approved Mental Health First Aider BNI Member Institution of Occupational Safety and Health