Anaphylaxis Awareness (1.5 hours)
£175 (+VAT) per session
Held at your setting, all staff can attend, there isn’t an upper limit on delegates for this course. Indeed best practise would be to include all office staff, all catering staff, all MDAs as well as TAs and teaching staff.
If you have pupils who are at risk of having a severe allergic reaction, all existing staff should have annual refresher training in anaphylaxis; any new staff will need to receive training.
We are encouraging an approach to managing severe allergies that can be adapted throughout your organisation, as allergic children may not be with a first aider when they start to become ill; the wrong action taken by untrained staff can be very dangerous for the child.
The anaphylaxis training we offer is based on The Anaphylaxis Campaign’s Allergy Wise RCN accredited programme. It is comprehensive and covers:
allergy avoidance, early recognition of symptoms, crisis management and CPR (adult, child and baby).