We are always going on about how important Health & Safety Management Systems are, especially if you have 5 or more employees, but what exactly do we include in our Management Systems?
Before developing a Management System, we will carry out a Health & Safety Audit, this allows us to assess what, if anything, is already in place, where the good practices are within the company, and where there are gaps that need filling.
Once we have done this, and had a look around you site, we can then produce the documents for your management system. Depending on the needs of the company and the complexity of the processes happening on site, the contents of this will vary slightly.
We always include:
• Accident Investigation & Reporting Documents
• Site checklists and / or Workspace inspections
• Fire Evacuation Procedures
• A Fire Logbook
• Health & Safety Induction
• Health & Safety Policy & Statement
• Risk Assessments including COSHH, DSE, Fire, Manual Handling, Activity Specific, Workplace Transport, and Individual Risk Assessments
• Safe Systems of Work
• Toolbox Talks
• A colour coded Training Matrix
All documents are fully bespoke and are tailored to the needs and activities of your company, for us this isn’t just a ‘tick box’ exercise.
Every document you receive in your management system is designed to be used – they are created in a way in which they can be applied to your setting and are not full of confusing jargon. They are working documents that can grow and develop with you and your company.
If you would like any more information, or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
01270 619 584
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